Bruce Neswick enjoys immense popularity and is in tremendous demand throughout the country as organist, improviser, choral conductor and trainer, commissioned composer, and hymn festival leader. He is a musician whose playing vibrates with energy, is full of radiant color, and always expertly crafted. Mr. Neswick holds the Fellowship degree from the Royal School of Church Music and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2016 by the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. He is Artist-in-Residence at St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in La Jolla, CA.


Sunday, March 9, 2025
4:45pm (Post-Evensong Organ Recital)
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
Berkeley, CA


From the Critics

“Bruce Neswick brings out the humanity in Bach’s music more strongly than your usual recitalist….little short of brilliant in both registrations and execution.”
(The Birmingham News, Alabama)

“Mr. Neswick vibrated with belief in both (Messiaen) scores. He was incisive and, as far as one who does not know the music intimately can judge, accurate.”
(The New York Times)

“Neswick’s performance was vital, well registered and meshed will with the orchestra…Neswick’s clean articulation, firm rhythmic projections and positive voicing.” (Buffalo Evening News)

“Bruce Neswick has quite a reputation as an improviser, and it told in his playing (which) had an agreeable spontaneity and plenty of coloristic variety…Neswick’s beautifully contoured account made it gratifying….Neswick gave a compelling performance.”
(The American Organist, 2000)

From the Presenters

“Bruce Neswick was marvelous in everything he did here in Houston…In a nutshell, Mr. Neswick was a smashing success!”
(Sandria Ward, Houston chapter American Guild of Organists)

“Bruce Neswick was nothing short of marvelous. His recital was flawless.”
(Jason Abel, Church of the Nativity, Huntsville, Alabama)


The Opening of Heaven, Pro Organo #CD7251

Bruce Neswick, Organist, Raven #OAR-240