The performances of Raúl Prieto Ramírez, San Diego’s Civic Organist and Artistic Director of the Spreckels Organ, have been described with words such as “sizzling”, iconoclastic”, and “transcendent”. Performing a wide-ranging classical and popular repertoire on the pipe organ with the flair and bravado of a matador, this Spanish master has a riveting way of entertaining general audiences of young and old, music experts and casual listeners, like remarkably few others.

Professional Website


Friday, April 4, 2025
7:30pm (Organ Recital)
Slee Hall, University of Buffalo
Buffalo, NY

Wednesday, June 18, 2025
7:15pm (Organ Recital)
Phoenix 2025 AGO Regional Convention
Cathedral of Saints Simon & Jude
Phoenix, AZ



From the Critics

“Raul Prieto Ramirez is a colossally talented organist. His fearless playing and at-times brazen registrations gave his eclectic program a nervy, exciting flair so often lacking in classical recitals. He’s the whole package — flawless technique and solid repertoire executed with the flair and bravado of a matador. A highly satisfying afternoon.”
(Joey DiGuglielmo, Washington Blade, Washington, D.C., 2015)

“Spanish organist Raul Prieto Ramirez played with great flair…[His] positive, energetic style was quite infectious [and] very well received.”
(The Diapason, 2013)

“One of the most amazing and exciting recitals of the [2012 AGO national] convention…performed from memory with élan and panache.”
(The American Organist, 2012)

“The best concert here in years…Raúl Prieto Ramírez extracted the full potential of the organ and maintained such a high level of playing that the audience jumped to a standing ovation. Raúl holds his audience and enthuses them.”
(el Punt de Mataró, Barcelona)

From the Presenters

“[Raul’s performance] here in Columbus was everything we hoped it would be. His playing was flawless, and his concert persona was warming. We had a crowd of about 300 that was very responsive and most appreciative. Raul is the kind of organist who will always make friends for the organ.”
(Al Adcock, Columbus, Ohio chapter of the American Guild of Organists, April 2019)

“Raul Prieto Ramirez performed a stunning concert at Christ UMC Plano, TX, putting it’s 4-manual Reuter through its paces! He performed a wide range of literature, ranging from organ standard repertoire (Bach, Clerambault, Guilmant) to transcriptions (Liszt, Wagner) to popular favorites (Sousa and Confrey). Registrations were appropriate for the literature, colorful, and varied in ways that showed all the resources of the organ. His musicality, precision, and confidence while performing fiendishly difficult works combined perfectly with his charm and wit introducing the pieces, resulting in a thoroughly pleasing musical experience for everyone in attendance. Bravo!!!”
(Bart Ghent, Christ United Methodist Church, Plano, TX, September 2017)

“There aren’t enough words to describe how spectacular Raul’s performance was on Friday evening. He showed the organ off brilliantly with his keen sense of color and nuance in a blaze of pieces that highlighted a carefully planned program. He connected with the audience immediately with his dazzling playing and totally infectious passion for the music! We could tell that this was a new experience for most in the audience. I’m sure many had never heard a pipe organ, much less one that is so grand and magical under the hands of a major artist. Your agency is so fortunate to have such a star! Raul is a gem, both a magnificent musician and a wonderful friend! We will all look forward to his return!”
(Dennis Grannan, Catalina United Methodist Church, Tucson, AZ, November 2016)

“A hit! He instantly connected with the audience. All repertoire was played from memory with artistic grace, clear articulation, and with excitement.”
(Helen VanAbbema Rodgers, St. James Church, Fairhope, AL)